‘Intuitive Customer Centric CRM’ was voted by our readers as the number 10 sales trend of the 12 Sales Trends of 2012. The goal of a CRM…
‘Intuitive Customer Centric CRM’ was voted by our readers as the number 10 sales trend of the 12 Sales Trends of 2012. The goal of a CRM…
You can see from my earlier articles that an approach to marketing and sales which takes the view that ‘getting the sale’ is the end gam…
In tough times, salespeople are more likely to demonstrate deceptive behaviour. Akin to a short-term case of amnesia, the salesperson’s v…
When Austrian daredevil Felix Baumgartner threw himself out of a hot-air balloon 40 kilometres above the earth last week, it’s a fair bet …
I was impressed by a brief, but excellent story on ABC-TV’s The Business about the impact of social media on a business’ reputation and bran…
It’s seven o’clock in the evening. You and your partner have just sat down to enjoy a roast dinner. You’re set to enjoy a couple of glasses …
Last week we looked at using ‘entanglement’ and ‘strategy partner’ as concepts that could create stronger alliances between vendor a…
Perception is reality. So what do your clients really think of you? Would you be happy with how they perceive you? Which of the following…
Last week’s article looked at using communications, cross-selling and strategic partnerships to boost your customer engagement. This week …
In early 2008, as the GFC (global financial crisis) loomed, I wrote ‘Watch who you let near your mind’. This was a timely reminder about the…
In the last article, I looked at how we could continue to engage the customer post-sale, particularly by using the method of holding events …
Peter Finkelstein, Barrett’s sales strategist, and I have been discussing the increasing spate of businesses and salespeople complaining abo…