Do not ask customers what they want when it comes to creating and introducing new technology and innovations. Why? Because according to l…
Do not ask customers what they want when it comes to creating and introducing new technology and innovations. Why? Because according to l…
In my previous book, The Naked Salesman, I explored the damaging effects that crazy customers, that is to say, time wasters, have on busines…
Watch out for polarisation of sales strategies and sales teams as the middle ground begins to disappear in 2012. We will see leaders ret…
This may come as a surprise to some, but a sales professional’s secret weapon is not measured by the sharpness of their tongue, but in fact,…
The science is clear, our success resides in how we use our brains – our brains can continue to learn, grow and adapt until the day we die…
Why? Rabbits love carrots and they are the most discerning of carrot connoisseurs, and it’s almost guaranteed they know more about carrots t…
Is the cliched pairing of a flashy sports car with an attractive woman in a bikini more than just an obvious attempt by advertisers to …
Have you ever heard the expression ‘hot bath turned cold’? Perhaps not. However, if you have been involved in the sales training industry or…
Passion is a vital element to your success in business. Passion is also highly contagious, making it a key factor in how you influence other…
Most salespeople will be quick to tell you that their customers say what they care most about is product and price. It goes further. When sa…
A photo finish decided last year’s Melbourne Cup, only the benefit of cutting-edge technology could confirm the faintest speck of light betw…
Have you noticed the remit of the Advertising Standards Board seems to have been creeping? Last week underwear company Bendon came under …