We could be forgiven for thinking that everything about selling revolves around numbers, developing new opportunities, making sales and achi…

We could be forgiven for thinking that everything about selling revolves around numbers, developing new opportunities, making sales and achi…
In our digital world, it is becoming much easier and quicker to find and contact people we want to get in front of. Just think of LinkedIn a…
Since I started Barrett in January 1995, I have met thousands and thousands of salespeople and sales leaders. I can tell you many stories a…
The sixth Sales Trend for 2014 is ‘Low-carbon economy sales opportunities’. Despite many governments lagging behind in terms of creati…
Niche retailers – from fitness clothing stores to plus-size clothing shops – will outperform the rest of the fashion industry over the n…
Priceline was awarded the top retailer award at the eftpos ARA Australian Retail Awards this morning. The awards were held in Melbourne with…
Organisations of every size all have a collective personality that drives their thinking, behaviours and actions and can affect their perfor…
Risk is not gambling, in fact it’s quite the opposite. Gambling relies purely on chance — at best, calculated chance, but chance noneth…
Everyone has a sales cycle – this is defined as the average time it takes you to identify and ignite a viable sales opportunity through to…
Spanish fashion retailer Zara has announced that they will open their first Perth store, which will be their 10th Australian outlet. The n…
Do you find that some clients are open to change while others see change as disruptive and possibly threatening? And then there are those cl…
Most of the hype in social media is aimed at page promotion, getting liked and followed. One area that often escapes mainstream attention i…