Unless you have explicit permission, your email is spam
It’s easy to erode your brand result with email. To avoid it, remember unless you have my explicit permission, it is spam.
Securing the best deal: The crucial difference between negotiation and sales
Selling and negotiating are both important skills, but not all sales situations require negotiations and not all negotiation situations are sales-related.
Be something to someone: How to unlock the power of niche marketing
Niche target marketing is one of the most powerful and efficient ways to attract new clients and build industry engagement and trust.
The road less travelled: Why selling better will bolster your business
When a business commits to selling better, it can do great things and prosper in ways that are sustainable, healthy and productive for all.
Needle in a haystack: A tried-and-tested guide to recruiting the best salespeople
You must use a realistic simulation to assess sales candidates, so here is a step-by-step guide for recruiting exceptional candidates.
“Our actions define us”: Five things to avoid when responding to a crisis
Many companies and leaders seem to add more fuel to the fire during times of bad press. So this is what not to do when responding to a crisis.
Sales cycles are becoming long and unpredictable: Here’s how businesses can adjust and thrive
Salespeople who understand the changing sales cycle and challenges buyers face have a clear advantage in the purchasing process.
Four fundamentals for positive word-of-mouth marketing
Do you want strong word-of-mouth marketing for your business or startup? Here are the four key things you need to focus on.
“Nothing happens until something gets sold”: 12 insights on selling better in the 21st century
"Selling is the vehicle that allows opportunity to flourish and people to prosper. Nothing happens until something gets sold."
Why you’re 331% more likely to listen to friends than advertising when planning a wedding
Personal word-of-mouth marketing from family and friends resonates more than advertising, especially in the context of planning a wedding.
Less is more when it comes to sales planning and market segmentation
In scrambling for leads, trying to cover every area and not wanting to miss anything, many sales teams end up doing nothing particularly well.
From Puma to Ben & Jerry’s: Hitching a ride on social or political movements can help firms profit and change for the better
Puma’s anniversary campaign comes just over a month after rival footwear company Nike featured NFL player Colin Kaepernick in its own campaign.