North Face traded its integrity by ‘hacking’ Wikipedia. Was it worth it?
If you visited the Wikipedia page for Guarita State Park in South America a few weeks ago, you would have seen a photo featuring North Face clothing.
Avoiding a Kodak moment: A case study on reinvigorating and future-proofing a sales team
Human beings, by and large, are notorious for staying with what is familiar to them. But this approach didn’t go well for Kodak.
Want more leads? Seven ways to make your video content work smarter
The visual, tactile power of video is the fastest way to ensure you are top of mind when your customer is ready to purchase.
All publicity isn’t good publicity: What smart PR looks like
It's often said there is no such thing as bad publicity, but the following publicity-seeking behaviours remind us this isn't true.
Darrell Lea issued cease-and-desist after remaking iconic ‘Not Happy Jan’ advertisement
Aussie chocolate retailer Darrell Lea has received a cease-and-desist after it released a near shot-for-shot remake of the 2000 classic Not Happy Jan ad.
Seven social media tools that will save you time and make you money
Social media got you down? You may want to consider using some management tools tailored to save you time and boost your engagement.
Learning from Kogan: How effective is false discounting?
How effective is price manipulation and discounting? Given checking and comparing prices is dead easy online, what could a retailer possibly gain?
Not hot? No worries: 10 tips to help average-looking people get ahead in business
Here are a few tips on getting ahead in business, in person or online, if you’re average looking and your follower numbers don’t end with a 'k'.
How to sell better in uncertain times
How are we supposed to sell better when there’s a general feeling of uncertainty that makes decision-making so difficult?
What does the future of PR look like?
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you will have noticed the media, and subsequently, the PR landscape, is experiencing some pretty dramatic shifts.
How we created an engaging online course with a 91% completion rate
The issue with creating an online course is the average completion rate is low — with reports citing average figures as low as 10%.
Five ways to build a genuine personal brand without using social media
Your personal brand is so much more than your digital profile — it is who you are, what you represent and how you make others feel.