Computer giant Apple has failed in its bid to trademark the word “pod” in Australia, due to an objection from a guitar electronics company t…

Computer giant Apple has failed in its bid to trademark the word “pod” in Australia, due to an objection from a guitar electronics company t…
Peak employer group the Australian Industry Group has stepped up the attack on the Rudd Government’s Fair Work bill, claiming Labor does not…
The first phone to use Google’s open-source Android operating system has reached Australian shores, with Optus formally launching HTC Dream….
The Australian online advertising market will pass the $2 billion mark in the next 12 months, according to the IAB Australia’s Online Adve…
Times have changed. And with all the advances in technology it was inevitable that the thrust and reach of marketing would tag along. This a…
Customers are more likely to recommend a product, service or brand if they have good experiences with customer reward programs, according to…
What if the collapse of the credit bubble is not the only reason capitalism is under threat? Today’s Business Spectator interview w…
Search engine giant Google has abandoned its print advertisement sales business, after introducing the measure two years ago. Google star…
Direct sales group Amway is attempting to shake off its image as a get-rich-quick gimmick in favour of expanding as a legitimate direct-sale…
President-elect Barack Obama may still be 11 days away from moving into the Oval Office, but he is already working hard to gather support fo…
National discount footwear chain Shoobiz will close its 43 stores over the next few months, putting the jobs of 220 workers in doubt. Nati…
There seems to be no end to the extent to which companies are willing to go green their business. Springwise reports that a Dutch creative a…