How SMEs can create a #royalbaby buzz about their business

The #royalbaby is merely hours old, but he’s already an 8lb 6oz bundle of PR dynamite.

Before he could open his eyes, the newborn son of Prince William and Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, had billions of eyes around the world awaiting his every move. He has countless Twitter ‘hashtags’ such as #royalbaby and #itsaboy dedicated to his existence; whatever clothing brand he wears home from hospital will reap huge revenue; and he’s a sure-fire ticket to keep the glossy magazine industry alive for years to come.

And of course, when the name is announced, it will spark a wave of copycats in maternity wards across the globe.

What would a SME give to have that level of power-packed publicity? Here publicity guru Simone Marshall, director of Melbourne-based Two Hands Agency gives her top tips on how to create a #royalbaby-style buzz about your business.

Harness mass power

“If your product or service is unique or has a point of difference, pitch the product to your state newspaper or better still a huge-audience television program like A Current Affair or Today Tonight.

“Call them, find out who the best person is for sending the product to, and then send them the product immediately with as much information about it as possible.”

Give a gift and reap the rewards

“Gift a bunch of celebrities your product. This works really well for fashion and beauty brands.”

Hire a famous face

“If you can afford it, find the right ambassador for your brand who can spruik your brand on your behalf. They already have the media’s attention, so why not utilise them to create hype for your brand or business?”

Compete on social media

“If you’re on social media, run a competition to win – this always gets people talking about your brand.”

Stage an ambush

“Arrange an event promoting your product in a high foot-traffic area of your local city.”

Use humour

“Some of the best brands and products in the world have been recognised because of good humour in their marketing – think Carlton Draught beer ads.”