24 Kristina Karlsson


Kikki K


$60.9 million

Kikki K was born 17 years ago after a 3:00am brainstorm session from founder Kristina Karlsson. The initial idea has sprouted into a cult-favourite stationery brand generating $60 million in revenue, according to Fairfax in 2016.

At the start of 2016, the company embarked on an extensive international growth plan, bringing in former David Jones head Iain Nairn to help with the expansion strategy.

The company now has more than 100 stores across Australia, the UK, Hong Kong and New Zealand, as well as a partnership with Nordstrom in the US.

The global expansion has been challenging, with “heavy investment” in marketing the brand resulting in a hit to the company’s bottom line last year, but the business has said the brand is making a long-term play to establish itself across the globe.