The top 10 start-up vows

This is 90% a good article. That is, nine of the 10 points are great. The point about “continue to panic” is (in my experience) just plain dumb.

Panicking is the worst thing to do as a start-up entrepreneur. Panic gets in the way of smart decision-making and smart action. Panic is contagious and can be one of the most commercially destructive of mind-sets from which to be operating.

I think the point that was trying to have been made was to understand that you will have some sleepless nights and you probably will, at some stage, have fear, uncertainty and self-doubts. You may even wonder if you have done the right thing in starting the business. These thoughts are perfectly normal. The key is to understand the cause of your doubts and fears and to consider (a) if these are real or imaginary; and (b) what actions you need to take as a result.

Yes, you need to enroll the support of those around you and on your extended team. You need to focus on action. Planned action.

In some way, you are probably responsible for whatever is happening. You are not a victim of it. Chances are, you will get through whatever issues you are facing.

Remember that what does not kill you makes you stronger, and that you will grow from whatever is happening to you.

Take action. Don’t despair. And whatever you do, don’t panic. It won’t help.