RSS Feeds


RSSWhat is RSS?

RSS stands for “Really Simple Syndication” and is an easy and free way to track updates to the SmartCompany website. You can subscribe free to one or more “feeds” which send you the headline and a short summary of articles that have been recently added or updated on the website. To subscribe to an RSS feed, you will need a News Reader or other similar software that enables you to access RSS ‘feeds’.

SmartCompany Content Overviews 


How do I start using RSS feeds? 

To start using RSS feeds, you will need to get an RSS reader (software that monitors the RSS feeds you subscribe to, and checks for new content) or use an RSS enabled browser like Internet Explorer 7 , Firefox or Safari (for Mac users).

Once you have subscribed to the RSS feeds that you want, your RSS reader will automatically update with the latest news.

The feed reader will present you with easy-to-browse headlines and short summaries, including links to the full article. You can see what’s new, and read only the articles that interest you.

Internet Explorer 7 users can view RSS feeds directly in the browser – to subscribe to an RSS feed in IE 7:

1) Internet Explorer 7 will notify you that Smartcompany offers RSS by illuminating (in red or orange) the RSS feed button on your toolbar.

2) Click the red/orange “Feeds” button to see a list of articles that are offered via RSS and subscribe to them by clicking “Subscribe to this feed” in the upper part of the screen.

3) You can then see all of Smartcompany’s updated content by looking in the Feeds section of your Favorites Center each time you open the browser.

Firefox users can views RSS feeds through the “Live Bookmarks” feature — explained here — or by installing the Sage RSS extension.

Safari users (only available on Macs) can view RSS feeds directly in the browser. Just click the RSS icon in the address bar and Safari automatically displays the available feed. Then bookmark the RSS feed so you can return to it later – more info here .

Help! How can I subscribe without one of these browsers?

Typical applications for consuming or using RSS include: Google Reader, My Yahoo!, AmphetaDesk, NetNewsWire, and Radio Userland.

These programs are separate, “stand-alone” programs, other services will let you add RSS feeds to the programs.


To subscribe to SmartCompany RSS feeds, right click on one of the channels with the icon, and select “Copy Shortcut” “Copy Link Location” to copy the location (URL) of the service. Paste this location into the appropriate channel of your news reader by following the instructions within that application.

Another method is to click on a feed link to open in a new window, select the URL in the address bar and copy and paste it into your feed reader.

Smartcompany is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.


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