This doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. I’ve worked in retail for nine years and have had multiple managers steal from businesses. I cons…

This doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. I’ve worked in retail for nine years and have had multiple managers steal from businesses. I cons…
Brendan, you are quite right. Some businesses are just built to flip and have a finite life span. Nothing wrong with that when that is the s…
Keeping a tight control over your debtor ledger is crucial to surviving these times. If a customer who usually pays in 45 days starts to …
Frankly, any bookkeeper worth their salt should not find these changes in the slightest bit “confusing”. In fact, it should finally draw a c…
Articles and seminars about tweeting your way to success have become so commonplace in recent months that I almost dismissed this one, but I…
Hi Andy B,
I’m sorry to hear of your experience with this web developer. As Aunty B highlighted, your choices will depend largely on the …
Good article Michel. I would comment though that when we use this definition of ‘sustainability’, we shouldn’t necessarily accept it as a vi…
Don’t despair Lee. As a small business advisor/accountant I come across a number of small business that are not profitable from day one, and…
Many well-intentioned and even potentially viable entrepreneurs and projects make themselves not viable. The ones that become viable are one…
I am occasionally asked what I do for a living and my job title is. It is a simple answer. I am a salesman. I sell. From the first inter…
So Ben suffers from the “build it and they will come” or “technology is the solution syndrome”. He is like just every tech inventor I have m…
When my family included my kids, I found that i was working smarter, getting all urgent jobs out of the way first, prioritising to enable me…