I’ve heard about Usocial and commend them on their innovative idea; they are proving to Twitter that their social networking site/medium is …

I’ve heard about Usocial and commend them on their innovative idea; they are proving to Twitter that their social networking site/medium is …
Professional services firms who persist in “nickel and diming” their clients to death deserve to be enthusiastically fired. Nothing annoys c…
You’re right; skepticism is great because it means you don’t get taken for a ride. Cynicism, however implies you have given up and nothing c…
Overpriced as far as I’m concerned, there simply hasn’t been that much increase in property value. One in that market could buy a property w…
This is such a hard situation. Of course you don’t want sick staff at work spreading their germs, but in some cases, as Benedict commented, …
I think this situation makes light of bigger problems at Clive Peeters. Even if the woman was clever enough to set up her own company and si…
Wow I’m surprised – two responses and both negative sentiment to the article and positive sentiment to the carriers. That really surprises m…
The other important consideration is whether this survey simply looked at the advertised, retail price for mobile broadband services or anal…
Probably one of the biggest changes to the meeting experience has been the advent of online meetings and teleconferences – follow…
This is 90% a good article. That is, nine of the 10 points are great. The point about “continue to panic” is (in my experience) just plain d…
Thanks for the valuable information. I would also suggest that some things do not change. It is very important to understand the potential f…
Sue, great article. You’ve put this whole “grey” area of testing into a clearer, simple perspective for me. One question I have though is…