I agree with Lynton. A brand is needed that is bigger than just tourism or any other industry or segment. And yes, I agree with you Michel t…

I agree with Lynton. A brand is needed that is bigger than just tourism or any other industry or segment. And yes, I agree with you Michel t…
Great article Alex. I think this issue has also given rise to the buyer centric sites that are now popping up, like www.ExpertMagnet.com or …
Hi David, Thank you for such a fantastic article! The timing of your piece could not have been better. I have just started a business and wi…
Firstly, Facebook already offers this type of service, but in a more organic way. If you have a business fan page, you can pay per member wh…
Message to Stephen (I’m morally and intellectually superior to to Australian internet users) Conroy. We already have laws in place in this c…
I registered a 70-year-old real estate broker on Facebook and she’s thriving because she can easily stay in touch with others in the industr…
This is an issue, I believe, many women face within their career. The advice given by Pollyanna is the most effective way to deal with the p…
I’ve found nothing works. Ever! Confiscate all crockery and cutlery from the kitchen. Have a kettle, microwave, sink and dishwashing liquid….
Some very interesting points in here. Rumblings indeed. I have to agree that the system is broken. Remuneration, incentives and performance …
Hi Sue, I could not agree more. I was amazed to discover that sales management training is almost non-existent, so I recently wrote a one da…
Unfortunately our experience in working with Australian organisations is very similar. The front line sales managers receive very little tra…
I’ve run two companies for the past 30 years. I reckon I’ve tried everything to keep the kitchen clean. In the end the only thing that worke…