Are there any ‘half Angels’ out there that want to just invest a little?

Thanks Paul and Aunty B for the feedback.

Paul, in response to your comments about the 80 pages, as this was my first attempt at a business plan, I really wanted to have most areas covered. Firstly, to demonstrate that I had really looked at the big picture and secondly, I wanted an actual cost for venture to start up, run and return on investment.

Sure it may have been overkill, but I thought the purpose of a business plan was to use it as a guide and tweak it as opportunities and challenges come your way. My business plan is a living document and will get updated and change in due course.

Also, as the bar in heavily themed it is important to point out and explain some strong product characteristics, icons and points of difference that for the benefit of the reader was explained fully rather than skim over these and come across lazy.

Thanks again for your feedback and you will be welcome at the opening.