Why Georgie Cavanagh and Carlotta Casals went all-in on their side-hustle, even as the pandemic was taking hold
Get to know Georgie Cavanagh and Carlotta Casals, who launched linen and homewares business Carlotta + Gee as a side-hustle back in 2018.
Sneakerboy’s win in court opens the door to six months of more rent relief for SMEs
Footwear retailer Sneakerboy has won a case in the NSW Supreme Court, which may have ramifications for thousands of SME tenants that have negotiated rent relief under the commercial tenancy code.
“Good outcome”: Noni B owner reaches agreement to reopen Westfield stores
Westfield and Noni B owner Mosaic Brands have reached an agreement to reopen stores forcibly closed several weeks ago amid the pandemic.
Are stores worth what they used to be? Lew, Mosaic and Westfield lock horns on the future of rents
As Mosaic, Solomon Lew and Westfield fight over the future of shopping centres, we ask whether the humble retail store is worth what it used to be.
“This is not a bluff”: As landlords and tenants exchange threats and pleas, who will come out on top?
Though the pandemic has brought things to a boil, tensions between shopping centre tenants and landlords have simmered for decades.
Second-hand economy reaches $46 billion as COVID-19 drives interest in pre-loved bargains
The second-hand economy is booming, and there are $21 billion more reasons to look into pre-loved than there were a decade ago.
Afterpay adds 23,000 new merchants: Four things we learnt from the buy-now-pay-later giant’s results
Afterpay unveiled a multibillion-dollar increase in underlying sales, adding an average of 17,300 new customers each day over FY2020.
Aldi commits to 100% renewable energy by 2021, and challenges Coles and Woolies to do the same
Aldi Australia has committed to switching to 100% renewable energy within 18 months, partly by turning its rooftops into solar farms.
Westfield owner grants rent reductions to 1,624 SMEs under landlord bargaining code
Westfield has reached agreements with SME tenants about rent reductions, although larger chains are still at loggerheads with the landlord.
Noni B owner to close up to 500 stores in adjustment to “fundamentally changed” retail landscape
Noni B owner Mosaic Brands will close between 300 and 500 stores over the next two years as coronavirus widens the divide between retailers and landlords.
Myer inks e-commerce fulfillment deal with Australia Post
Myer is hoping Australia Post can help it speed up the delivery of e-commerce orders and improve its online customer experience.
“Neutral no longer enough”: Meet the brewery going carbon negative by planting its own forest
"Neutral is no longer enough", says BrewDog founder James Watts, unveiling a plan to plant his own man-made forest.