Government at all levels must help stop the retail reckoning
Over the next decade, retailers, landlords and developers will need the active support of government to transition the retail industry.
Big W to close 30 stores as department-store reckoning continues
Discount department store BIG W is closing 30 stores and two distribution centres in a widely expected move to reset its cost base.
Amazon Australia grows revenue more than 1500% but remains a “small proportion” of the retail market
Amazon Australia has increased its revenues a massive 1500% in the most recent fiscal year, but the company has not yet found profitability.
Huxtaburger chief Matt Fickling resigns after taking business around Australia
The chief executive of fast-growing burger chain Huxtaburger has resigned after 3.5 years to take a new role with a "bigger business".
‘Human error’: 7-Eleven, Caltex singled out by ACCC over axing of tampon tax
Caltex and 7-Eleven have been singled out by the ACCC for being laggards in reducing prices following a decision to axe the tampon tax.
Napoleon Perdis finds possible saviour in Chinese e-commerce experts
Collapsed cosmetics retailer finds a firm suitor in Chinese e-commerce experts who intend to expand the business overseas.
Government agrees to tougher rules for Woolworths, Coles, Aldi supplier dealings
The government has agreed to strengthen rules protecting suppliers from Woolworths, Coles and Aldi following a review of the industry code.
Luxury longevity: What will the future hold for designer fashion?
There will always be a demand for premium, quality product in the luxe space, with consumers attracted to a brand's tradition, prestige and status.
Business is “booming” for men’s stylists — and many have Netflix’s Queer Eye to thank
Netflix's Queer Eye has supported a renewed interest in men's style in Australia, helping savvy small business owners get a leg up.
Pandora cops enforceable undertaking from ACCC over no refunds claims
Danish jewellery retailer Pandora has admitted it likely breached Australian Consumer Law and has entered into an EU with the ACCC.
Bunnings to finally launch online store, selling more than 60,000 products
Aussie hardware giant Bunnings has finally announced plans to enter the online shopping game after years of speculation and anticipation.
Shoes of Prey’s collapse reveals the difficulty of understanding customers, and why startups need the right fundraising strategy
Looking at things retrospectively, it's easy to say 'Shoes of Prey should have never raised capital', but what does this teach us about fundraising?