When confronted with the imminent sale of their business, employees will focus on their personal issues and this process will continue until…

When confronted with the imminent sale of their business, employees will focus on their personal issues and this process will continue until…
Oh woe, a conversation I had yesterday about a business owner’s earnings – or lack of – sparks this week’s tip. Never mind the d…
I was reviewing what was supposed to be a Distribution Agreement from the US the other day. The document was to allow my client to impo…
While travelling to the National Association of Retail Marketing Services (NARMS) conference in Tampa, Florida, I noted that the retail sale…
I have just been in New Zealand and let’s face it, we Aussies can sometimes get a bit of a hard time there unless we can demonstrate some so…
They say what you don’t know can bite you. This should be the rule when it comes to evaluating a potential acquisition. It is the unsaid and…
Internet giant Google has acquired Agnilux, a start up formed by former Apple employees who were reportedly involved in the Apple iPad manuf…
A couple of weeks ago I wrote an article extolling the virtues of timesheets. A few days later the same topic came up in a conversation I ha…
Direct marketing is very much oriented towards immediate response. Direct marketers can tell you very quickly how successful (or unsuccessfu…
Imagine a country that is inward looking and rarely notices the world beyond its own borders. There’s double-digit inflation and unemploymen…
Michael Luscombe was interviewed by a trio of our top business journos this week for Business Spectator. However, what transpired was a wide…
If you concentrated on everything that could go wrong with an acquisition, you probably would avoid that path to growth and stick to develop…