The Australian Federal Police have arrested and charged a 52-year-old Sydney businessman over an alleged multi-million-dollar tax evasion sc…

The Australian Federal Police have arrested and charged a 52-year-old Sydney businessman over an alleged multi-million-dollar tax evasion sc…
The cost of financing assets is likely to increase from April because of a tax office ruling that adds to the GST burden for credit provider…
Uptake by business owners of a dedicated online tax portal created by the tax office has been slower than expected, Tax Commissioner Michael…
The tax office is considering going easy on people who are late making their GST payments where it does not involve a loss of tax revenue.Un…
The future taxation landscape has so far only been painted with a broad brush, but already the view is different. What can SMEs expect? By T…
Big business and the rich are cheating on their tax – or so Australian taxpayers think. And the Australian Taxation Office is not doing en…
Money can’t buy you love nor, according to the tax office, can it buy you time – at least when it comes to lodging your tax return.High-…
The Australian Taxation Office is warning people about a fraudulent email being circulated that claims to offer a tax refund.The email fraud…
SMEs in the export sector will be a key focus of a tax office crackdown on the use of offshore tax havens to minimise income taxable in Aust…
A shift in resources to help the taxman chase late-lodging SME owners could be the result of a review into late tax returns by the taxation …
It’s as though the taxman has a trigger-point list for putting businesses under the microscope. So what are the triggers? By TERRY HAYES o…
If you have any undisclosed income, the tax office is offering a chance to get in early to reduce penalties. By TERRY HAYES of Thomson Legal…