The Australian Taxation Office has warned taxpayers to be wary of an email scam that claims to offer a refund from the taxman. The Austral…
The Australian Taxation Office has warned taxpayers to be wary of an email scam that claims to offer a refund from the taxman. The Austral…
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd will today announce a surprise Christmas tax break for around two million businesses in a bid to ease the cashflow…
The long process of reforming Australia’s tax system has begun, with the leader of the review, Treasury Secretary Ken Henry, suggesting ma…
The Australian Taxation Office will target SMEs that attempt to illegally cut their tax bills to dodge any fallout from the financial crisis…
Taxpayers use a number of strategies when trying to avoid penalties. ROBERT RICHARDS looks at some of the options, and gives his recommendat…
One of Australia’s peak bodies representing bookkeepers is concerned that new rules requiring bookkeepers preparing BAS statements to beco…
Taking on the tax office is tough at the best of times, but when the taxman’s tactics include running multiple cases against an individual…
Fees charge by bookkeepers are set to rise after legislation was introduced to Parliament requiring bookkeepers who lodge BAS statements to …
Treasury secretary Ken Henry has suggested Australia may abandon tax returns and move to simpler forms of business taxation, including a tax…
The Federal Government’s decision to abolish a capital gains tax concession for the cloning of trusts could hit private businesses, a tax …
The Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia will lobby government officials and the Australian Taxation Office for leniency for…
The Australian Taxation Office is setting its sights on eBay traders who fail to declare income tax on money earned from selling goods on th…