Being away from work for very long periods may seem a plain scenario for termination, but the law is not so straightforward. By PETER VITALE…

Being away from work for very long periods may seem a plain scenario for termination, but the law is not so straightforward. By PETER VITALE…
Successful family businesses are a rare breed, the number constantly dropping as owners are tempted to either split up the business, sell ou…
More signs that the Reserve Bank of Australia’s campaign against inflation is working has emerged today with news that mortgage lending fe…
Employees of Lush Handmade Cosmetics are taking their environmental concerns to the streets and will stage a semi-naked protest outside stor…
A resurgence in auction sales in Melbourne provided a bright spot in an otherwise gloomy residential property market over the weekend.Melbou…
Many consumers are unimpressed by whiz-bang features increasingly being included with mobile phones such as internet access and music stream…
The Australian economy is likely to slow significantly in the period ahead, as shoppers spend less and the global credit squeeze continues t…
An improved payroll tax regime, lower land tax and a reduction in motor vehicle duties are among the benefits delivered to business in yeste…
Michael Malone’s internet service provider iiNet has acquired fellow Perth ISP Westnet, run by Peter Brown, for $81 million.The cash deal …
The Melbourne office of William Buck will merge with fellow accounting firm Grant Thornton from 26 May as Grant Thornton continues to build …
Businesses that make a GST mistake that doesn’t result in less tax revenue flowing to the taxman will be less likely to face a penalty und…
The Australian Bankers’ Association and the Reserve Bank of Australia say eBay Australia’s proposal to force Australian customers to use…