Liquidation sale last gasp for stricken truck manufacturer

Liquidation sale last gasp for stricken truck manufacturer

Truck manufacturer Mills-Tui Australia is selling off its intellectual property in a liquidation sale this week after collapsing in September.

Tracy Knight and Bill Fletcher of Bentleys were appointed as liquidators following the collapse which put an estimated 80 people out of work.

Mills-Tui is based in Queensland and designed and manufactured heavy and specialised vehicles including fire trucks, ambulances, emergency response vehicles, buses and troop carriers.

It counted the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service and the Queensland Ambulance Service among its customers.

The liquidation sale includes intellectual property for the manufacture and assembly of a range of specialized vehicles and products.

A Mills-Tui worker, who declined to be named, told the Courier Mail staff had suspected the company was in trouble in the lead-up to the liquidation announcement.

“We were getting (our account) put on hold with a lot of companies,’’ he said. “In saying that, since I’ve been there, it’s been going off and on. They’d be on hold with companies, then we’d pay the bills and we’d be back on track again.”

SmartCompany contacted the liquidators but did not receive a response prior to publication.

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