Online network for unwell kids

Social networking is a tool perfectly suited to providing a virtual playground to kids whose mobility is limited because of illness or disability. ZDNet Australia says the Starlight Children’s Foundation is now taking steps to build an online social network for sick kids, to be called Livewire.

The Australian Government has given $7.2 million to help get the project off the ground, which apparently will help more than 150,000 kids once it’s up and running.

A spokesperson for the Starlight Children’s Foundation told ZDNet Australia the site will include chat rooms, news, reviews, forums and blogs, although its final shape will depend on feedback from the kids themselves.

The network will be secure, with only very sick children and their parents able to get access. Moderators will oversee the chat rooms, which will be split into age bands, to make sure the content is appropriate for the age group.


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