BEST OF THE WEB: Behind AOL chief’s impulsive firing; Why Gen Y won’t buy cars; Mark Zuckerberg’s sister speaks out

Fired on the spot: In “The Cost of Winning: Tim Armstrong, Patch, And The Struggle To Save AOL” published on, writer Nicholas Carlson looks at the remarkable case where AOL CEO Tim Armstrong fired a team member, in front of his colleagues, for videoing a speech. The scenario went viral, with countless reports of the event and analysis of how not to treat staff. But what was the real story behind the impulsive incident?

Why Millennials won’t buy cars or houses: We know Generation Y have paved their own path when it comes to their approach to employment, travel, relationships and saving money. But one thing that is baffling car-makers and their marketing departments is, why is it so hard to sell cars to them? For The Atlantic, Derek Thompson and Jordan Weissmann look into the matter, with surprising answers.

The sister of Mark: Mark Zuckerberg’s sister, Randi, spent years working for Facebook, but recently branched out to create her own venture Zuckerberg Media. Vanity Fair offers a snappy look into the sister behind the social media giant. Among other insights, she believes life must have “sparkle”.