The number of insolvencies in February hit their highest level for the month in 10 years, prompting a warning to small businesses to tighten…
The number of insolvencies in February hit their highest level for the month in 10 years, prompting a warning to small businesses to tighten…
Senior account director at debt collection agency eCollect Lou McLeish has been on the phone chasing up a string of overdue bills for her cl…
Trade credit extended by suppliers to customers has plunged from $166 billion to just $70 billion as businesses became worried about payment…
Rob Nixon began his consultancy firm in 2005 after completing a wealth profile test and deciding that he needed to go into business for hims…
Small businesses are being urged to start preparing for the Christmas shutdown period now to avoid traditional post-Christmas cashflow short…
Small firms currently under pressure should start increasing their prices or risk further damage to their profit margins, a business academi…
The recovery might be well and truly underway, but new figures from credit agency Dun & Bradstreet have highlighted the need for compani…
Consumer debt increased to record highs during the June quarter, new data from Dun & Bradstreet reveals, but businesses are ignoring the…
No matter what type of business you’re in, you’ve no doubt considered increasing or decreasing your prices in a bid to whet the appetite of …
Dun & Bradstreet’s latest report on business-to-business payment terms shows the average time for an invoice to be paid fell in the June…
With the new financial year just weeks away, entrepreneurs across the?country are busy putting together budgets and business plans and growt…
Credit agency Dun & Bradstreet has delivered a blunt warning to SMEs about the patchy state of the economic recovery, warning it downgra…