THE NEWS WRAP: Skills shortage tipped to push up NBN costs

The conclusion of the election hasn’t ended the wrangling over the National Broadband Network, with The Australian claiming that a shortage of skilled workers for the project will cause wages, and therefore costs, to soar.


However, Telstra appears to be happy to resume talks over the $43bn network,  which small business groups hope will boost the competitiveness of start-ups against larger rivals.


NSW on top


Sydney marketers may have openly fretting over its status as Australia’s premier city this week, but new research shows that New South Wales is the jobs creation capital of the nation.
The state turned the tables on Victoria last quarter, creating 26,000 jobs to Victoria’s 23,000, the report says.


Rates set to rise


Analysts have predicted that interest rates will go up on the back of the latest fall in unemployment. A small hike is expected by the end of the year.


Why we don’t like banks


It isn’t Earth-shattering news to learn that the public dislikes the big four banks about the same, but a five-month analysis of Twitter has unearthed the popular gripes about each bank.
The review found that 85% of tweets about ANZ were negative, compared to an industry average of 71%,


CEO pay undamaged by GFC


The banks might be suffering on Twitter, but CEO pay-packets are relatively unscathed, despite the GFC. While small firms and shareholders felt the heat of the downturn, the salaries of Australia’s top executives dropped just 0.2% last year.




Wall Street performed strongly overnight, with positive economic data pushing the Dow Jones Industrial Average up 28.23 points.


Meanwhile, the Australian dollar rose to US92.35 cents.