Ten ways to cut costs — without cutting staff
Faced with sluggish conditions, many business owners consider firing staff to maintain a healthy bottom line, but there are better ways to cut costs.
Doughnut or salad? How the ‘busyness cult’ impacts what people buy
According to new research about consumer choices, if you are selling something healthy or virtuous, cueing busyness may work in your favour.
Tell me about it: 91% of consumers value ‘honest communication’ so salespeople must prioritise storytelling
We must not overlook the increasing importance of storytelling in sales and marketing, as it takes our sales teams beyond presenting features and benefits.
The Zorro technique: How to sway someone to change their opinion to align with yours
Here's how you can "lead an individual or group through the need to change so they get on board and stop resisting you."
Seven things you need to know to master the craft of selling
We can agree everybody lives by selling something — whether it be ideas, initiatives, visions, products, services or solutions.
How to create 90-day financial goals — and actually reach them
Here's how to set and stick to 90-day financial goals that are realistic, meaningful and will be valuable to your business in the long-term.
Cash in or kick back: When should business owners think about selling their business?
The process of selling a business comes in many shapes and sizes, with some entrepreneurs exiting after a few years, a few decades, or even longer.
It’s the organisation, stupid
"A pet peeve of mine is when people talk about things 'the brand' does. The organisation and the brand are related, but they are different."
The birdbath principle: Attracting customers by reducing fear
Poorly placed birdbaths remind me of retail outlets where customers are anxious about entering the store for fear of being pounced on by a predator.
Ten lessons from a 28-year-old founder who started three businesses and sold two, all while maintaining a full-time job
Here are 10 lessons and insights Ronan Bray learnt from starting three businesses and selling two, all before the age of 30.
Why more Australian businesses should be using an advisory board
Many countries have a two-tier system, with the traditional board of directors supported by an advisory board — which Australia could benefit from too.
‘Social selling’: Why personal branding is a priceless asset to any business
Prioritising your personal branding on LinkedIn and other social platforms is imperative if you want to stay ahead of the professional curve.