Treasurer Joe Hockey has reached out to small business to assure them he understands the nuisance of red tape, after he and his family were …

Treasurer Joe Hockey has reached out to small business to assure them he understands the nuisance of red tape, after he and his family were …
The federal government has announced funding for improved STEM offerings in schools, changes to employee share option schemes and 457 visas,…
Businesses in regional areas will soon be able to draw on refugees to fill skill shortages under a deal struck between the federal governmen…
With the Abbott government celebrating its first year in office, now is a good time to look at the report card of its achievements in the sm…
This time a year ago we were all standing in queue at our local primary schools munching on burnt sausages. The end result was a change of g…
Master Grocers Australia (MGA) and Liquor Retailers Australia (LRA) is calling for once in a generation changes to competition laws to count…
The federal government has succeeded in repealing the mineral resource rent tax following a deal reached with the Palmer United Party, but t…
Contrary to the views of Peter Costello, Graeme Samuel and Stephen King expressed recently, the need for an effects test in competition law …
Big business lobby groups have set out to crush the reform of Australia’s competition law spearheaded by Small Business Minister Bruce Bil…
The Tasmanian Small Business Council has strongly endorsed the state government’s 2014-15 budget, which it says will give all Tasmanian bu…
Employment Minister Eric Abetz has backed down on the federal government’s plan to force job seekers to apply for 40 jobs a month, saying …
In his victory speech on election night last September, prime minister Tony Abbott declared Australia was “under new management and … on…