A bill to implement the tax cuts promised by Labor during the election campaign has been introduced into Parliament this morning by Treasure…
A bill to implement the tax cuts promised by Labor during the election campaign has been introduced into Parliament this morning by Treasure…
Business groups will closely scrutinise new minimum employment standards to be released by the Rudd Government on Thursday to ensure new rig…
Federal Government departments will come under greater pressure to pay amounts owed to small business creditors within 30 days under a propo…
Past franchisees have a lot to offer the system – and changes to the code’s disclosure provisions may be the positive filip the model need…
Changes are afoot on the legally required responsibilities that employers must meet in regard to staff family commitments. Is your business …
It looks increasingly likely AWAs will be available to employers and employees at least until 30 June after Family First Senator Steve Field…
New laws requiring Victorian employers to accommodate their workers’ family obligations could leave SMEs struggling to cope, the state’s…
A claim by two real estate agents against Google in the Supreme Court highlights the tricky position web publishers can find themselves in w…
The Coalition has resolved to maintain its support for some form of AWA-style individual agreement following a two day party room meeting in…
Finance Minister Lindsay Tanner has revealed an initial list of 45 current or proposed government measures to be cut as part of Labor’s ef…
A Melbourne registered pharmacist must now come up with more than $16,000 after he was found to have provided false information to WorkSafe …
The Coalition may seek to amend Labor’s first tranche of industrial relations reforms to provide for the retention of AWAs, a move that is…