The most-read stories on SmartCompany in 2020

business owner

Source: Pexels/Ketut Subiyanto.

If we were to describe the most well-read stories on SmartCompany this year in one word, it would be ‘JobKeeper’. 

With 1 million Australian businesses, and 3.6 million workers, qualifying for JobKeeper payments between March and September 2020, it’s no surprise that articles about the federal government’s wage subsidy program were by far the most popular on SmartCompany this year. 

From understanding how to access the payments to explanations of what GST turnover actually is and the intricacies of the alternative tests, we covered everything you needed to know about the massive government stimulus program.

In a year that saw SMEs pushed to the brink, it also makes sense that information about government assistance and support measures was widely sought after, and we saw this again at budget time when our explainer about the expanded instant asset write-off scheme grabbed readers’ attention. 

Keep reading for a list of our most-read stories this year on SmartCompany, as well as five popular stories from previous years. 

And tomorrow we’ll share with you the startup stories that were most popular in 2020.

The top 10 JobKeeper stories

  1. Enrolled in JobKeeper? You must ‘declare’ before payments can flow
  2. JobKeeper subsidies for sole traders: How do I know if I’m eligible, and how much money will I get?
  3. When should I pay JobKeeper wages? ATO clarifies deadlines amid payroll confusion
  4. GST turnover explained: How to pass the JobKeeper eligibility test
  5. JobKeeper applications now open: Here’s how to apply
  6. ATO tweet suggests SMEs could be looking at 14-day delay to JobKeeper payments
  7. JobKeeper eligibility explained: Everything we know so far about applying for wage subsidies
  8. JobKeeper applications open April 20, as ATO works to clarify eligibility criteria
  9. JobKeeper Q&A: Struggling to convince casuals to take shifts? Here’s what the law says
  10. ATO clarifies GST turnover calculations in latest update to JobKeeper guidance

The top 10 non-JobKeeper stories

  1. Ten small businesses selling reusable face masks in Australia
  2. The government is writing cheques to small business owners: This is how much you’ll get
  3. Is the government really giving businesses $25,000? What’s the catch?
  4. A $25,000 cash booster: The government’s $17.6 billion coronavirus stimulus package explained
  5. COVID-19: The financial support available to small business, state-by-state
  6. Government announces a $66 billion second coronavirus stimulus: What’s available to small businesses, and how do I claim it?
  7. ATO to offer small businesses tax relief in response to coronavirus
  8. Coronavirus stimulus: Tax tips for self-employed people and small business owners
  9. All Melbourne workers must have permits to attend work: Here’s what businesses need to know
  10. Coronavirus support payments for sole traders a step in the right direction, but fundamentally flawed, says small business ombudsman

Plus five stories from the archives that remain popular

  1. Coffee pod company iCapsulate collapses into administration after being offered biggest ever Shark Tank deal
  2. Four ways to identify more business opportunities
  3. Five factors to consider when pricing products or services
  4. Have a Hamdog: Why a business that scored a $2 deal on Shark Tank now has the world’s attention
  5. What is the correct title for a salesperson?