Witchery, Target and JAG pay up for copyright infringements

JAG, Witchery and Target have been forced to shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars to British fashion house Ted Baker, which took legal action over copyright infringements.

Ted Baker launched the action on the grounds of having its “intellectual property and design rights” infringed.

Target paid Ted Baker $98,000 and Witchery paid $35,000. JAG paid the company $305,000 in a claim relating to a substantial number of reproduced T-shirt designs.

All three Australian fashion retailers have declined to comment on the matter.

Meanwhile, Ted Baker is now on the lookout for other offenders.

The company said copyright infringement was rife in Australasia, due largely to the fact the fashion industry was a season behind Europe. Copycats had time to visit Europe and choose designs from the current European season and get them into the market before the host brand.

Inside Retailing


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