Bizarre spill and yet another small business minister

Could things get any more farcical?

Yesterday’s failed leadership spill, and the resulting fallout which has seen Small Business Minister Chris Bowen quit his position, has left many small businesses feeling angry and disillusioned.

The constant jostling for leadership saw Simon Crean call for Prime Minister Julia Gillard to spill all leadership positions yesterday and throw his weight behind former prime minister and serial challenger Kevin Rudd.

What started with a bang ended with a whimper after Rudd said he would not challenge Gillard for the leadership.

If this wasn’t enough uncertainty for businesses trying to get on with things, Bowen then announced this morning that, as a Rudd supporter, he has resigned from his cabinet position.

Bowen had only been in the role for two months. His resignation leaves small business in the unenviable position of staring down the barrel of a sixth small business minister in 15 months.

It’s unlikely an incoming small business minister has any hope of getting their head around the many and complex issues that confront small business in the short time before the federal election.

Taking a look at the government’s benches it is also unlikely that whoever is appointed will have any background in small business at all.

What the attempted spill and Bowen’s resignation shows is a paucity of true leadership and vision.

The focus of the government and its ministers at this stage is limited to holding onto power instead of leading our country.

At this stage, the only end in sight for the constant machinations and political manoeuvring is the election in September.