Wage rise to hit microbusiness… Franchising private member action… Dollar surge hurts exporters… R.I.P. sole practitioners?… Liquida…

Wage rise to hit microbusiness… Franchising private member action… Dollar surge hurts exporters… R.I.P. sole practitioners?… Liquida…
Happy New Year… AWA backlog… Bank beats ASIC… DIY super auditsEconomic roundup Happy New Year: Economist Poll to guide you for the ye…
More red tape from WorkChoicesAs the detail on the changes to WorkChoices is revealed, the red tape is piling up. Employers will have to pro…
Tax cheats or desperate for help?Australia’s small business sector was under attack this morning, labelled tax cheats after a report from …
The good times roll onConfidence is soaring among small and medium business, with the May Sensis business confidence indicator up 11 percent…
Losing weight has turned into a significant industry recently, and our expanding waistlines assure a continuing trend. By JASON BAKER of IBI…
New rules about compensation for the loss of conditions may prompt SMEs to drop workplace agreements and revert to their pre-WorkChoices reg…
New right for disgruntled Midas franchiseesDisgruntled franchisees could have a new avenue to pursue franchisors if three of the Midas car c…
Rein’s new reignEntrepreneur Therese Rein is set to reap at least $80 million from the sale of the Australian arm of her empire. It should…
Competition reform‘Costello hands win to small business’, screams the headline on the front of today’s Australian Financial Review. Tr…
Bullying is on the rise and employers who turn a blind eye to bullying risk fines, higher WorkCover claims, lower productivity and higher ab…
Hey! Big news. We’re freeIt’s a big day at SmartCompany.First, we would like to proudly announce to our loyal and fast-growing community…