Forget the Australian media code, Facebook now has a much bigger problem
Facebook might be the world’s biggest social network, with 2.7 billion users, but it could soon lose assets including Instagram and WhatsApp.
ACCC issues warning over businesses offering dodgy ‘no-win-no-fee’ unfair dismissal service
Consumers are being warned by the ACCC about the alleged misconduct of ‘no-win-no-fee’ legal service Unfair Dismissals Direct.
Family of killed UberEats rider files workers’ comp claim, in what could be a landmark test case for the gig economy
The family of UberEats rider Dede Fredy is filing a workers’ comp claim over his death, in what could be a landmark case for the gig economy.
The new definition of the “casual employee”: The details, the flaws and the likely outcome
Given these flaws, there will no doubt be resistance from employee groups and unions to this proposed definition of "casual employee".
SMEs face 50% higher wage theft penalties under IR reform bill
Small businesses that underpay workers could be hit with 50% higher civil penalties, under the federal government’s industrial relations reform bill.
“It smacks of lack of controls”: What can SMEs learn from the Freedom Foods debacle and the role of directors?
The Freedom Foods furore opens up questions around the roles of the directors. Is there anything small businesses and startups can learn?
Employer ordered to pay $28,000 after dismissing a worker for stealing without proper investigation
The Fair Work Commission has a tendency to find dismissals unfair when they are based on flawed investigations.
Electronic check-in mandatory in NSW: Here’s what SMEs need to know
It is now mandatory for commercial and hospitality venues in NSW to have electronic check-in systems in place.
“Out of touch”: Retail associations slam Fair Work Commission’s decision to raise pay for junior workers
Junior retail workers, under 21 years of age, on level four or above of the Retail Award, will soon be paid the same as the adult rate.
Is it legal to direct employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19?
This week, Qantas issued a no-jab-no-fly mandate, raising the question of whether employers can require employees and customers to be vaccinated.
Qantas’ no-vaccine-no-fly mandate is absolutely legal — and not the first of its kind
Qantas passengers travelling internationally will have to prove they have been vaccinated against COVID-19. Is this a fair call?
IAG sets aside $865 million for COVID-19 payouts for small businesses
Aussie insurer IAG is expecting to shell out some $865 million in payments to small business owners affected by COVID-19.