Small businesses begin registering for new temporary restructuring relief amid overhaul to insolvency laws
SMEs have begun registering for temporary restructuring relief, under the country’s new insolvency regime that began on January 1.
Online retail giant Kogan hit with $310,000 fine over promotional emails has been fined more than $310,000 by the national communications watchdog for sending millions of promotional emails that breached spam law.
Mechanic’s redundancy pay cut after FWC rules redeployment opportunity with additional travel time was acceptable
Employers are obliged to try to find new opportunities for employees facing redundancy. But what qualifies as acceptable redeployment?
ICP calls on businesses crushed by COVID-19 shutdowns to register interest in legal action against insurers
ICP is calling on SMEs to register interest in potential collective action against insurers that have rejected COVID-19-related claims.
Bannister Law investigates legal action against Tyro, after prolonged eftpos terminal outage
A growing number of businesses are registering interest in legal action against Tyro, after a service outage affected their eftpos terminals.
Peter Strong pushes for SMEs to be able to stand down workers who refuse the COVID-19 vaccine
With the rollout of the vaccine to begin next month, business advocates call for the option to stand down staff if they don't get vaccinated.
ACCC launches legal action against Retail Food Group over “false, misleading and deceptive conduct”
Disgraced franchising giant Retail Food Group is facing legal action for allegedly misleading its franchisees when selling them loss-making stores.
Will the government’s new casual loading offset provisions prevent double-dipping?
These casual loading offset provisions reduce an employer's liability to pay permanent employment entitlements where a worker is mischaracterised.
Changes to small claims in IR bill could reduce legal costs for SMEs
The Coalition's industrial relations omnibus bill includes changes to small claims, which could significantly reduce legal costs for SMEs.
Unpacking the Fair Work Act’s new casual conversion “right”
Christian Porter said the government's casual conversion IR reform offers employees a “very strong right”. But this is not the case at all.
Immediation bags $3.75 million for tech shaking up dispute resolution for SMEs, as Kate Carnell calls for reform
Disputes mediation platform Immediation has raised $3.75 million and seen 1000% growth, as COVID-19 amplifies the need for legam reforms.
ACCC calls for national fair trading rules after agriculture industry probe
The ACCC says Australia should introduce new nation-wide fair trading laws to better protect small businesses, and impose penalties on companies that contravene the Food and Grocery Code.