There is little doubt that had Tony Abbott understood the ALP’s independent contracting agenda and campaigned vigorously on that issue he wo…

There is little doubt that had Tony Abbott understood the ALP’s independent contracting agenda and campaigned vigorously on that issue he wo…
The explosion of the use of so-called social media has employers and employees wondering where the line between work and play is drawn. …
The database of anti-piracy law firm ACS:Law was leaked last week and posted on popular torrent website, The Pirate Bay. The company fou…
Taxi services company Cabcharge has been ordered to pay $15 million worth of costs and penalties by the Federal Court, which declared the co…
Internet giant Google has filed a lawsuit against alleged rogue advertisers, which the company says has marketed pharmaceutical goods in vio…
Innovation minister Kim Carr says the new R&D tax credit legislation will enter Parliament next week and says the Government will make t…
Queensland Privacy Commission Linda Matthews has attacked social networking giant Facebook for its failure to educate users on the site’s ac…
Receivers of collapsed furniture chain Timberland Group have launched legal action to try to secure the assets of the company, after claimin…
Tech giants Apple, Google and chip-maker Intel are negotiating with the US Justice Department in order to avoid charges related to alleged b…
The Australian Securities and Investment Commission has permanently banned a former AMP financial planner after he submitted 55 fake insuran…
South Korean-based electronics giant LG Australia has been slammed by the ACCC for the fourth time in the past five years, this time over co…
An “informative” interview with “Rob Oakeshott” and “Tony Windsor” on Clarke & Dawe. {qtube vid:=vQ_WSsgNy78} If you’ve got a funny…