The Federal Government is considering a new tax to pay for damage bills caused by the devastating floods in Victoria and Queensland, with co…

The Federal Government is considering a new tax to pay for damage bills caused by the devastating floods in Victoria and Queensland, with co…
The Victorian floodwaters have caused several hundred million dollars’ worth of damage that will take years to recover, directly affecting t…
Every New Year brings its own challenges for small and medium sized employers. One of those challenges is the prospect of more new law…
Australia’s independent contracts sector will be closely monitoring the outcome of a High Court case set down for March, in which polling co…
The Retail Coalition is set to ramp up its lobbying activities this week, with the group preparing to lodge as a company with ASIC in order …
Telecommunications giant Vodafone has terminated an unspecified number of its employees in New South Wales following a privacy scandal that …
A group of judges is currently deciding on whether a $US65 million settlement payment made by Facebook to ConnectU founders Tyler and Camero…
Floodwaters in the Brisbane CBD have reached their peak but the crisis is far from over, with the death toll reaching 12, the number of miss…
The city of Ipswich has been shut down and water levels are continuing to rise in Brisbane today as evacuation efforts accelerate throughout…
Research In Motion has confirmed that it will stop viewing of pornographic content on its devices in Indonesia. The decision comes afte…
The devastating Queensland floods are now expected to reach Brisbane within the next 36 hours, officials say, with heavy rain and storms thr…
The Privacy Commissioner has launched an investigation into Vodafone after a lost password allowed thousands of customers’ private details t…