In an apparent funding backflip, the Victorian government has announced $200 million in funding for Victorian TAFEs despite slashing funding…

In an apparent funding backflip, the Victorian government has announced $200 million in funding for Victorian TAFEs despite slashing funding…
The stock market in the United States is still surging with the Dow Jones setting a fresh record for the fifth straight day. The Dow Jone…
It came as no great surprise to analysts and business owners in Western Australia that Colin Barnett was re-elected as Premier over the week…
Bakers Delight is one of Australian franchising’s big successes, with the bakery now turning over $564 million a year. The business is …
Employers in the building, construction and engineering trades have an extra two months to take advantage of the Apprentice Kickstart Init…
If you’re feeling inspired by SmartCompany’s list of Australia’s top 30 female entrepreneurs, you are probably keen to know what makes…
A former WIN Television executive is suing the company for $400,000 in damages, alleging the television network engaged in deceptive conduct…
The Victorian business community says the resignation of Ted Baillieu as premier may represent a good opportunity for the state government t…
A northern New South Wales security company is being targeted by the Fair Work Ombudsman for allegedly underpaying staff more than $62,000. …
Australian-born former billionaire Shi Zhengrong has been shown the door at his solar panel company, following a tumultuous few years in whi…
Australia’s biggest ever tax evasion probe is closing in on Philip Jepson Egglishaw, the alleged architect of a massive offshore tax evasi…
The Prime Minister’s crackdown on skilled worker visas, known as 457 visas, is misguided. A tightening up of the visas was first announc…