Meet the US tailor that is making millions by allowing shoppers to order custom-made suits from the trunk of a car

Meet the US tailor that is making millions by allowing shoppers to order custom-made suits from the trunk of a car


Two US entrepreneurs have created a multi-million dollar business by putting a new spin on the age-old profession of making suits.

BookATailor is a New York-based tailoring company that allows shoppers to get fitted for and then order a custom-made suit from their home, office or even a busy street in Manhattan.

Founded in 2012 by father and son team Fred and Jacomo Hakim, Inc reports BookATailor notched up sales of $US5 million ($7 million) in 2015 from its bespoke suits, which are manufactured in Thailand.

The business started out as a small kiosk in a shopping mall but within two years had turned into a mobile business. From a showroom in Manhattan, Jacomo Hakim would drive his mobile fitting room around the city and sell suits to those walking by.

The New York Post reported in October that one New York resident, Alex Burekhovich, has swapped appointments with a personal stylist in upmarket department store Bloomingdale’s for BookATailor and has bought more than $US12,000 in clothes from the business in one season.

According to Inc, BookATailor now has 12 showrooms and six franchises across the US, with sales agents also using 12 smart cars to reach customers. From this month, shoppers can also use the BookATailor app to order a tailor to come directly to them.