“I didn’t see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. It freed me t…
Women's Agenda is a publication for career-minded women who want to stay ahead of the conversation.
“I didn’t see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. It freed me t…
Female chief executives are still very much in the minority in Australia but they earn a higher annual salary than their male counterparts. …
Posh Spice has come a long way since spicing up our lives in the 90s. Yesterday, Victoria Beckham was named UK’s top entrepreneur by Managem…
Facebook and Apple are two companies famous for being innovative and it seems they’re both at the cutting edge of a new employment trend. …
We create our beliefs based on the way we see the world. Some beliefs are enabling and functional. Others limit our potential. Largely, our …
ProfessionalMums.net and Women’s Agenda have compiled a list of the country’s most powerful part-time workers to show that influential caree…
When Fortune released its first list of the world’s most powerful businesswomen in 1998, most of those featured came from creative fields li…
As you scale the career ladder “strategic thinking” becomes an increasingly important skill. Simply putting your head down and working hard …
The name Jessica Alba is usually best associated with Hollywood films like Honey, Fantastic Four and Sin City. But behind the scenes she’s h…
Stephen Covey describes the difference between management and leadership beautifully: “Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of su…
One of Australia’s richest and most powerful men once had a simple strategy when dealing with people in business. He would simply ask his se…
The end of the year is fast approaching, along with a new list of employment trends that will change the job market and your role within it….