Nearly everyone who isn’t a lawyer agrees: intellectual property law is a mess. And the monopolies granted by patent and copyright law hav…

Nearly everyone who isn’t a lawyer agrees: intellectual property law is a mess. And the monopolies granted by patent and copyright law hav…
Now that Malcolm Turnbull has been sworn in as prime minister, the choice of a replacement Communications Minister is critically important, …
After a slow start, electric vehicles are gaining in popularity. London is now host to an electric car-sharing service, which proved success…
The idea of a robotic servant is a lot older than you probably realise. It doesn’t just go back to the 1960s cartoon series The Jetsons, who…
Australian government plans to increase the use of facial recognition in its counter-terrorism strategy raise concerns about privacy and how…
Just because you may not have seen a drone overhead doesn’t mean it hasn’t seen you. And, as was demonstrated by the killing of tw…
Cutbacks to Australia’s science funding from the federal government are forcing us to look at a new funding model for one of the na…
Apple’s latest product announcements came as little surprise as most of the announcements had been leaked prior to the event. Wit…
The online crowdsourcing of ideas and capital has transformed business tasks such as innovation, technical problem solving and product desig…
In the early days of Web 2.0, the arrival of blogs and similar sites heralded an explosion in the number of news feeds we could follow…
The “digital assistant” is proliferating, able to combine intelligent natural language processing, voice-operated control over a s…
We invariably imagine electronic devices to be made from silicon chips, with which computers store and process information as binary digi…