I’ve discussed the various Australian Tax Office data-matching programs on several occasions. SMEs should be aware of the latest programs wh…

Terry Hayes is the editor-in-chief of tax news reporting at Thomson Reuters, a leading Australian provider of tax, accounting and legal information solutions.
I’ve discussed the various Australian Tax Office data-matching programs on several occasions. SMEs should be aware of the latest programs wh…
The tax system makes many impositions on small businesses, not all of them welcome. The time it takes many SMEs to comply with their tax and…
Amendments to a bill currently before Parliament have made changes that affect many people. These concern the Family Tax Benefit, the Child …
Tax refunds are often thought of as a sacrosanct part of our tax system. They’re not. There is no guarantee that anyone will get a tax refun…
Data-matching by the Tax Office is now a well entrenched feature of the Australian tax landscape. It seems that almost not a week goes by wi…
Scams involving tax are not uncommon. They surface regularly. The scams range from the very basic to the quite sophisticated. People and bus…
The GST laws can apply to a weird and wonderful range of things, and some fine distinctions are often sought to be made by the Tax Office in…
Claiming tax deductions for work-related expenses probably seems like a no-brainer to many people. The logic is reasonable enough – you in…
The building of “granny flats” has taken off in many cities, including Sydney. The relaxing of council regulations surrounding them, includi…
In this, my last column for this year, I thought I would look at an issue that goes to the hip-pocket nerve of us all – medical expenses. …
The tax directors at leading companies in Australia and New Zealand say the push by governments and authorities to drive new levels of trans…
Time is rapidly running out for SMEs to take advantage of the current $6500 outright deduction for low value assets, otherwise known as the …