Rental income from property is a source of income for a large number of Australians. In fact, the most recent statistics show that, in 20…

Terry Hayes is the editor-in-chief of tax news reporting at Thomson Reuters, a leading Australian provider of tax, accounting and legal information solutions.
Rental income from property is a source of income for a large number of Australians. In fact, the most recent statistics show that, in 20…
A lot has been written about the capital gains tax (CGT) small business concessions, not all of it complimentary. As I have said a number…
Several beneficial SME tax changes announced in the federal budget in May are now law, after royal assent was given to the amending legis…
The Australian Tax Office’s data-matching program has been expanded to include visa holders. Data-matching has become a major part of t…
The Australian Tax Office says it has been listening to what small business has been saying about what it wants from the organisation. Ch…
Claiming work-related car expenses is a common tax-time claim for many taxpayers. In fact, almost 4 million taxpayers claim the deduction…
What constitutes the carrying on of a business for tax purposes is an age-old issue that has important consequences. If a business is car…
In May this year, the federal budget confirmed the government would introduce a grossed-up cap of $5000 per year on the FBT concessions f…
Legislation was introduced in Federal Parliament last week – the Tax Laws Amendment (Small Business Measures No 3) Bill 2015 – that p…
These days, the tax and social security systems are inextricably linked. Such is the modern world. No surprise then (or is there!) when g…
Businesses will usually pay relevant employee expenses when those employees undertake work for the business. Paying expenses can then give r…
Phoenix activity has been the subject of scrutiny by the ATO for some time but the taxman has recently raided businesses without prior notic…