Failure to comply with the tax laws can have varying results. These range from the ATO issuing an amended assessment imposing penalties, to …

Terry Hayes is the editor-in-chief of tax news reporting at Thomson Reuters, a leading Australian provider of tax, accounting and legal information solutions.
Failure to comply with the tax laws can have varying results. These range from the ATO issuing an amended assessment imposing penalties, to …
The clock is now running on the new taxable payments reporting regime for the building and construction industry which came into effect on J…
The ATO expects taxpayers to comply with the tax laws. That’s fine as a general proposition, but in many instances, that’s a whole lot easie…
For SMEs, the issue of GST is a daily event. Sell something and it’s there; buy something and it’s there too. But GST goes well beyond these…
Superannuation regulations, specifically the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations, have been amended, with effect from August 7…
So what else is new you say! That heading won’t shock any SME. The question is where to get that help. The SME’s adviser or accountant is on…
The superannuation contributions limits continue to pose problems for some taxpayers. Cases involving taxpayers making excess superannuation…
Tax refunds are, for many people, a sacrosanct part of the tax system. Many people just simply assume they will get a tax refund at the end …
The ATO is sending letters directly to taxpayers who reported either rental property income or dividend income for the first time in their 2…
Several tax matters have caught my eye this week so my column is something of a tax grab-bag. Standard tax deduction is gone The Henry Ta…
It should not be necessary to remind people about the traps of making superannuation contributions too close to June 30 each year. The essen…
Tax time seems to roll around all too quickly! It’s a mad scramble to gather receipts for deductions to be claimed; maybe prepay some expe…