Leading a company is similar to chess. Tactical moves on the chessboard are sometimes obvious but long-term strategy determines the winner. …

Leading a company is similar to chess. Tactical moves on the chessboard are sometimes obvious but long-term strategy determines the winner. …
Community management is thriving, particularly in the tech world, where creators are realising that a groundswell of engagement rarely start…
Last week I wrote about ‘making promises you can keep and keeping the promises you make’ and when the rhetoric and reality do not coinc…
There is often a good reason behind why certain people reach the level of CEO regardless of experience and education. And the crucial fact…
The Australian government has recently released a consultation paper seeking feedback on their proposed framework for “crowd-sourced equit…
I’m asked the same question at almost every industry event I attend: “How can I support women in technology?” And I’m usually asked …
The fear of failure, a perceived lack of expertise and financial concerns are very real concerns felt by Australian entrepreneurs. This i…
What makes your company truly, honestly unique? While we all might like to think it’s our product, that’s not always the case. A lot o…
As mobile technology saturates the Australian market, it’s now necessary to make sure your website is mobile-friendly. Currently, more tha…
It’s always interesting to look at some of the underlying themes behind the five most popular Aussie startups posted on Product Hoist each…
Conversion rates are the percentage of leads who take a specific action you want. For example, for online businesses it’s the percentag…