Don’t show the graph below to the central banks and currency traders who are buying the Australian dollar as a safe haven currency. F…

Don’t show the graph below to the central banks and currency traders who are buying the Australian dollar as a safe haven currency. F…
Let me explain how you can inflict long-term damage to a prosperous country in ten easy steps. Yes, that’s what Australian state and Fe…
Australia is being put through the global wringer. Unless Europe, China and the US each embark on a massive stimulation, then there are s…
Gina Rinehart made some important discoveries about the Fairfax group last week. The mere suggestion that she could be a seller sent the…
The former billionaire Nathan Tinkler looks like going the way of so many past entrepreneurs who built up paper empires in a boom but then…
The profit model that has underpinned the massive investment in Australian gas suddenly looks in danger. We have projected big rises in de…
In a Business Spectator video, Shadow Finance Minister Andrew Robb has committed the ultimate political sin. He has vowed that if the Coal…
Three months ago the possibility of a European break-up was real but an outside chance. Last week a survey by Bank of America Merrill Lync…
It’s time for Australian boards to review the remuneration of underperforming chief executives and their direct reports. Two detailed glo…
Simplot Australia is our biggest food processor. Its managing director Terry O’Brien is the first Australian company chief to publicly r…
What happened to Darrell Lea could happen to Australia. It made the same mistakes Australia is in danger of making. Darrell Lea could ne…
The biggest problem that the ALP has in attacking the Greens over their allegedly “loopy” policies is that the most “loopy” of all…