Peter Strong is the former chief executive of the Council of Small Business Organisations Australia.
In the world of Australian small business 2017 was a year of consolidation of past gains and preparation for the changes that confront us in…
There is currently a Private Members’ Bill being presented to the Australian Parliament about protections for religions and others who don�…
We have achieved some good things over the last few years. Changes in contract law, improvements in competition policy, better engagement an…
There will soon be a very important vacancy at the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. The excellent Michael Schaper is moving o…
Is it really so bad in Australia? Do we have an ‘us and them’ culture? Do we have too many rich people and not enough poor people?
For decades we have had debate and discussion around climate change and what to do about it. The debates have generated more emotion than so…
Currently the likes of Amazon, eBay and Alibaba, among many others, sell to Australian consumers but do not charge or collect the GST on low…
The recent hit by cyber criminals on websites around the world reinforces the need to change the culture of businesses to help deal with mod…
The Office of the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO) is 12 months old. It actually turned one on 11 March bu…