A few weeks ago I spoke to the Australian Seniors’ Computer Clubs Association about staying safe online. (One of my previous blog posts, S…
Paul Wallbank writes on how IT affects communities, markets and workplaces. He also helps businesses to grow and engage their customers with technology.
A few weeks ago I spoke to the Australian Seniors’ Computer Clubs Association about staying safe online. (One of my previous blog posts, S…
Having written books and given many presentations over the last decade on how business is changing, last week’s statistics about SME technol…
Possibly the most embarrassing of the outbreak of computer hacks in late 2011 was the breaching of prominent geopolitical analysts Strategic…
As usual, Apple’s product announcements at their annual World Wide Developers Conference this week attracted plenty of media attention. Th…
For two years we were captivated by the spectacular rise of the bitcoin virtual currency. Allegations those gains were a result of market-fi…
SurveyMonkey, one of the great survivors of the original dot com boom, announced on Wednesday it is opening a Sydney office as its first bra…
“The New York Times is winning in journalism,” starts the newspaper’s much discussed internal Innovation Report. Then in great detail it…
“Understanding the information your company collects is the first step in respecting your customers’ privacy,” says Michelle Dennedy, …
While many of us struggle with how 3D printing might change our businesses, MIT’s Skylar Tibbits is working on bringing a fourth dimension t…
Earlier this month, Sydney video streaming company VioCorp changed leadership with founder Ian Gardiner stepping down as CEO. For Gardiner, …
Facebook’s latest changes to its layout creates more problems for small business using social media, as the real estate available on its s…
A regular topic of this column over the years has been warning against the risk of vendor lock-in to business, the recent release of Apple’s…