This article first appeared on January 13th, 2011. I have been looking into the option of leasing equipment for my business due to the hi…
This article first appeared on January 13th, 2011. I have been looking into the option of leasing equipment for my business due to the hi…
This article first appeared February 7th, 2012. My year is off to a very quiet start, sales-wise. What can I do to get through it? The…
This week’s Secret Soloist is answered by Paul Clements, founding principal and CEO of Clements Dunne & Bell, a chartered accountancy …
This article first appeared on December 8th, 2011. I made the mistake of severely overstocking my sports equipment business. What should …
I need a few new items for my business but can’t really afford them at once. Is leasing a good option for me? This week’s Secret So…
A potential investor has asked for financial information in order to complete due diligence. The business is performing well, but our …
This article first appeared on October 20th, 2010. I’m starting up as a consultant and doubt that my turnover will initially be more th…
This article first appeared on November 11, 2010. I’m seeking finance for my business but, after speaking to a few banks, it looks like…
There seems to be quite a lot of good accountancy software out there now. Does this mean that I don’t really need the services of an accou…