I’m trying to piece together an advertising campaign myself, which seems quite time consuming and involves a lot of skills I don’t reall…
I’m trying to piece together an advertising campaign myself, which seems quite time consuming and involves a lot of skills I don’t reall…
When is it the best time to rebrand a start-up? I’m not sold on our business’ name or logo. Should I wait for it to become establi…
How can I offer discounts on my products without impacting my brand? I’m trying to build a high-end jewellery business and don’t want to…
Who or what should I turn to for great marketing ideas? I seem to be stuck in the same cycle of standard ads that don’t get a great respon…
Taglines have the ability to quickly and succinctly define a brands meaning and position. I was driving past Chippy’s Outdoor in Ringw…
Is there any particular trick to advertising to Gen Ys? I need to target this group in my marketing, but I have no real idea what works and …
I’ve got a couple of retail stores and my point-of-sale marketing is a bit dated. I’m not sure if it’s doing my business much good. Sh…
What’s the quickest and most effective way of letting my customers know about an offer? Should I email something out or do something in-st…
I’m launching a new music brand and have been thinking about creating a stunt to launch it. But do stunts ever really work and, if so, wha…
My partner and I are currently developing a peer-to-peer rental site to assist people lend or rent the idle “stuff” in their homes. The deve…
There is no right or wrong level of detail in a marketing plan. If you’ve got it all worked out in your head and just need to document it,…
Is it ever worthwhile to mention a rival in your marketing? I’m wondering whether to take on a direct rival and compare ourselves to them….