Look around you. Do you see people peering at screens? You may be on a train, reading this from a screen yourself, or you may be in a vast l…

Look around you. Do you see people peering at screens? You may be on a train, reading this from a screen yourself, or you may be in a vast l…
We, as soloists, are probably in the business because we want to help others. But the word may get around that you are always ready and…
Kelvin Harman works alone, apart from a computer programmed robotic cutting machine called Milton. He manufactures a portable staging …
This is a vital skill for the sole trader and a key part of networking, marketing and declaring to the world, and yourself, who you are. …
Naturally with the Olympics in front of us 24/7, being a front-runner in our own business game is a timely metaphor. To keep up with the …
Sometimes a smart solo operator needs the added value and expertise of another person to get a project done. Choosing the right one ca…
In the wash-up from Darrell Lea, it may be timely to reflect on the first lesson of business: Keep your finger on the pulse and your eye on …
Back in the BOD (bad old days) when I had a job, two things were certain: The pay packet and the dress code. A redundancy fixed the ide…
For any working person there’s no convenient time to get sick or be unable to work, but if you are a sole trader, there’s no time at all…